Aromatherapy Roll-On
Aromatherapy Roll-On
Aromatherapy Roll-Ons infused the power of nature.
LAVENDER Lavender provides soothing comfort to the skin while relaxing the mind.
Ingredients: pure lavender essential oil, sweet almond oil
SLEEP WELL Blend of essential oils to promote healthy sleep.
Ingredients: pure lavender, chamomile, cedarwood and vetiver essential oils, sweet almond oil
FOCUS Blend of essential oils to relieve stress, fatigue and improve focus.
Ingredients: pure lavender, peppermint, rosemary and cedarwood essential oils, liquid
coconut oil
UPLIFT Blend of essential oils to brighten up your day.
Ingredients: pure lavender, orange and patchouli essential oils, sweet almond oil
HEADACHE RELIEF Blend of essential oils with destressing, soothing properties to relief discomfort.
Ingredients: pure lavender, frankincense and peppermint essential oils, sweet almond oil
HOW TO USE IT: Roll onto wrists, back of the neck, behind the ear lobes, under jaw line.
100% natural I made on our farm | Size: 10 ml
INGREDIENTS: see above